C. It was a war to prevent communism from spreading into Southeast Asia
Answer: If we can say something about the history of political parties in Texas, it is that the Democratic party had a leading role in it if we don't take into account the Recontruction time in Texas
Explanation: the Reconstruction can be described as follows: for nine years following the Civil War, Texas was in turmoil, as its people attempted to solve political, social, and economic problems produced by the war. One of the major forces that threatened change in the state was the United States Army. Federal troops began entering the state in late May 1865. Their commanders believed that their duty, at least in part, was to ensure loyal government and to protect the rights of the blacks who were free as a result of the war. Except for an interlude during Reconstruction, the Democratic party was the leading political party in Texas until the 1960s. In the nineteenth century, however, the Whig, American (Know-Nothing), Republican, Greenback, and People's partiesqv provided at different times a formidable opposition, so that Texas did not become a real one-party state until after 1900, when the Republican party sank into insignificance and minor parties largely disappeared.
B. Historian A wants to make the colonists appear in a negative light by suggesting that they did not really believe in freedom for all.
The whole point of the American Revolution is that the colonists wanted to overthrow the oppressive British government who was imposing more and more taxes on them. Historian A believed that the American colonists were wrong in starting the Revolution, because they were 1) well protected by the British, and that 2) they do not act on what they want.
For example, the American Revolution was basically the 13 Colonies trying to win freedom from the "oppressive" United Kingdom. However, the historian points out that while they themselves know how it feels like to be under oppression, they do not think of their slaves as those who, like them, wanted freedom. This is a "looking-down" view, and the slaves should have been freed at the end of the Revolutionary War. This proves that the US citizens did not believe of "freedom & rights for all", but rather, only for white males.
Japan invaded "China" in 1937, due mostly to the fact that Japan and China had actually been engaged in conflict for quite some time, and Japan was trying to acquire more resources.