Although the political views of Thomas Jefferson were very different from those of Washington, Jefferson agreed that isolation and neutrality were the most beneficial course for the United States.
Oarfish are large, greatly elongated, pelagic lampriform fish belonging to the small family Regalecidae. Found in all temperate to tropical oceans yet rarely seen, the oarfish family contains three species in two genera. One of these, the giant oarfish, is the longest bony fish alive, growing up to 8 m in length
B.many Americans loathed the idea of imperialism and saw it as a European phenomena, while others were very excited by the idea of imperialism and urged America to expand into other parts of the world
Ottoman Art and Science
Istanbul and other major cities throughout the empire were recognized as artistic hubs, especially during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. Some of the most popular forms of art included calligraphy, painting, poetry, textiles and carpet weaving, ceramics and music.
Turkish carpets, decorative calligraphy, painted ceramics and elaborate mosque architecture are some of the art that came from the Ottoman Empire, an empire once located in the Middle East and centered in present-day Turkey.
Ottomans had contributed to the development of hospitals and healthcare, and witnessed advances in medicine, mining and military technology. They also set up a leading observatory in Istanbul and had established more than 300 centres of learning known as medreses.
Have a wonderful thanksgiving!!
The first line contains alliteration. Alliteration is when consecutive words begin with same sounds. In this case, you have Having Harrowed H.e.ll, which all start with the H sound. It refers to spoken sounds, not just letters, as some letters or letter clusters might be pronounced differently, so it has to begin with same sounds.
The second line contains a.s.sonance. A.s.sonance is a figure of speech used in poetry in which words contain the same vowel or dipht.hong in numerous words in consecutive order. In the second line, you have Light, Smiles, Drives, which all contain the dipht.hong /ai/ which repeats to give of a joyful sound when spoken
The third line contains consonance. It is basically the opposite of a.ssonance, instead of vowels and dipht.hongs, you have consonants that repeat in sequence over numerous words. In the third line, you have Mortal To Immortalize, where you have the strong T sound that is used in consecutive words.