What are interstate compacts, and what part is played by the national government in these agreements? They are written agreements to settle disputes between two or more states.
Brahmin power is a fiction - India was always ruled by kings not priests. Buddha himself was a scion of a royal family as were many other sages and enlightened beings.
Buddhism was never a political movement - it was about achieving freedom from suffering not about power and prestige.
Buddha like many of his contemporaries among the Hindus and the Jain challenged many of the philosophical positions of each other but socially lived in cooperation and harmony.
hope you enjoy
It was in 199s we broke into national vagina company
broski im doing the same thing. japans fascist! Shōwa Statism was a political syncretism of Japanese extreme right-wing political ideologies, developed over a period of time from the Meiji Restoration. It is sometimes also referred to as Showa nationalism or Japanese fascism. Japan wasnt totalitarian cause japan didnt have centralized power. Japan also isnt authoritarian cause they didnt really enforce strict obedience.