The answer is pilus. This structure joins two bacteria of same species and allow exchange of genetic material in a process called horizontal gene transfer (conjugation). The plasmid of one of the bacteria (the mobile plasmid) is nicked once and the strand moves through the pillus to the other bacteria. It combines with the other plasmid or chromosome to for recombinant dna.
idk amino acids contain carbon hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen as well as sulfur sometimes
nucleic acids contain phosphorus as well as carbon hydrogen and nitrogen
Homozygous mean a pair of alleles that are the same. Hence the root word homo- which means same. If the alleles were different, we would call this pairing a heterozygous pair, with the root word hetero- meaning different. An example of a homozygous pair would be AA, two dominant allele, or aa, two recessive alleles, while a heterozygous pair would be Aa, one dominant and one recessive allele.
Through synapses that occur in our neurons that tell our brain for our body to act in the needed way
Grow wings and fly and watch all the people to die. :)