The correct answer option is D. set the switch to the highest range and then move it to a range that gives the most accurate reading.
When measuring an unknown voltage with an analog VOM, one should set the meter to the highest range and then move it to a range that gives the most accurate reading.
The reason being that the analog meters indicate the measurement of voltage by moving a needle across a physical card by printing numbers on it.
So in case the voltage is nearly 100 times the full range to which the meter is set, then its needle will try move to a position which will be 100 times the highest number on the meter.
I think a spoof of an ad is the study of an ads rhetorical devices that is what I think I am not completely sure
An array.
An array can be defined as a structure that organizes data in a list that is commonly 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional.
Simply stated, an array refers to a set of memory locations (data structure) that comprises of a group of elements with each memory location sharing the same name. Therefore, the elements contained in array are all of the same data type e.g strings or integers.
Basically, in computer programming, arrays are typically used by software developers to organize data, in order to search or sort them.
Binary search is an efficient algorithm used to find an item from a sorted list of items by using the run-time complexity of Ο(log n), where n is total number of elements. Binary search applies the principles of divide and conquer.
In order to do a binary search on an array, the array must first be sorted in an ascending order.
Hence, array elements are mainly stored in contiguous memory locations on computer.
The correct option for the given question is option(b) i.e 72 = amount;
In the option(a) the total variable store the value 9 which is a valid assignment
In the option(b) 72 is not a variable because the variable will never start with a numeric number. Therefore it is not a valid assignment statement.
In the option(c) the yourAge variable store the value of myAge variable which is a valid assignment.
So correct answer is an option(b).
?? is invalid syntax
When declaring or initializing variables names, and when writing methods, or arguments ?? is not used in Java .
() [] {} all these are used with variables , methods or arguments.