A. Information published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census that identifies which regions of the United States are experiencing the most rapid growth in Mexican-American population.
As the restaurant is famous and serves the Mexican cuisine, it needs data that will provide information about the interests of people in Mexican Cuisine.
The information published by the US Bureau about the population of Mexican citizens growing will help the restaurant identify the areas where it will find its most probable customers for the Mexican Cuisine.
The census will provide the maximum information about the regions with the population with Mexican people as the chances to like Mexican cuisine is maximum with Mexican population.
Complete at least 10 qualifying transactions (including debit card purchases, online bill payments and direct deposits) within 60 days of opening your account. The account must remain open for six months, or Chase may deduct the bonus at closing. When you'll get it: Within 10 business days of completing requirements.
Mutual Funds are simply a way to pool money together and buy more stocks. You invest into a mutual fund along with many other people. Then your pooled money is invested by the manager of the mutual fund. They are generally conisdered safe as they are run by "stock gurus".
Available Options are:
A) comprehension
B) conviction
C) ordering
D) reordering
E) awareness-building
Option E. Awareness-building
The reason is that the main purpose of the advertisement and the publicity of the product is to increase the interest of the customer by portraying the product as a masterpiece. Furthermore, under the AIDA Model, it is the second stage which is:
Stage 1: A is for Attention
Stage 2: I is for Interest Development
Stage 3: D is for Desire Generation
Stage 4: A is Action (Purchasing the product)
So advertising is basically the second stage.
<span>The main assumption that has to be true for Adam Smith's theories to be valid is that everyone is acting in a way that most benefits them and nobody else. Since resources are seen as limited, people are thought to act in ways that most benefit them and nobody else. These assumptions might be valid in many cases, but the concept of charity shows that they are not always the case, and the invisible hand might be guiding people at times, but not always.</span>