I think that this is a very hard question to answer. I think that many kings, fictional or not, possess both the bad and good traits of being a king.
In regards to Macbeth, he certainly possessed the ambition many would wish for a king. He was brave, as noted by Duncan and the title of the Thane of Cawdor. He was protective, as noted by his murder of Banquo. Macbeth was even proud, as seen by his desire to keep the new title of Thane before taking the crown.
Unfortunately, many of the characteristics one would align with being a good king made Macbeth a bad king as well. Macbeth was too ambitious--as seen by his murdering Duncan. He was too protective--as seen by his inability to interpret the apparitions warnings in the correct way. Lastly, he was too proud--as seen by his refusal to leave the castle as Birnam Wood "moved" against him.
Like anything, one must always have control. Too much of anything normally turns out to be a bad thing. Therefore, depending upon one's individual views, Macbeth could be both a bad king or a good one.
BTW: It's free real estate.
I personally do not think that it was fair for them to say this, either to Romeo or to women. Gender stereotypes were a lot more prevalent in the 13- and 1400s than they are now. People expected more of men than they did of women — they were not supposed to show weakness or sorrow.
(Do not copy answer word for word, you'll get busted for plagiarism! These are just ideas to work off of :D)
Ionic so A.
Dissociation is the separation of ions that occurs when a solid ionic compound dissolves.
I’m good, just eating a cookie, hbu?