Female reproductive system is comprised of ovary, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina. In humans, female have two ovaries that release egg at the time of ovulation. The egg is released in fallopian tube, where it gets fertilized with male sperm to form zygote. The uterus is nurturing organ for developing zygote till the delivery of fetus. The vagina acts as opening for the uterus.
Male reproductive system is comprised of testis, vas deference, urethra, and p3nis. Testis is responsible for the synthesis of sperms or male gametes. From testes, sperms are transported to vas deference via epididymis and ejaculated through urethra.
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In explanation.
Relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
-Both involve in the production of energy
-Both involve the exchange of gases
-Both the process takes place in cell organelle which was considered as endosymbiotic organism. They are chloroplast and Mitochondria, Photosynthesis takes place in the Chloroplast whereas respiration takes place in mitochondria.
-At critical condition both have an alternate pathway.
Extra: differences between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
-Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast, whereas respiration takes place in mitochondria.
-Photosynthesis involves the production of carbohydrate and respiration involve breaking of carbohydrate.
-Photosynthesis occurs only during the presence of sunlight whereas respiration occurs all the time.
-In the photosynthesis process Oxygen is released whereas in respiration Oxygen is utilized.