It all began on May 14 in Martinsburg, West Virginia in 1877 after Ohio and Baltimore cut wages of their employees for the third time . In this occasion the strike lasted 45 days when put down by a local, state militia and federal troops. Across the United States of America about 100 people were killed in the unrest . Workers in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and other cities burned down train stations facilities, engines, stock and property.
A law or act that England levied against the colonies after the french and indian war would be the "Proclamation of 1763", which forbid settlement in the new territories that had opened up in the west.
Heredity rulers, Ridget social class system, & slavery
During the renaissance, society was increasingly turning towards the human. In general, society became anthropocentric, meaning exactly that - it turned towards the human and viewed different things, if not all, through the view of a human. This became extremely important for later developments in humanities, philosophy, religion, as well as sciences.
The advantages that 18th century monarchs had in reform measures were able to do anything to gain more power by making reforms. For example, some lessened the power of the Catholic Church so that the monarchs could gain more.