Massive incorrect stereo type a form of labelizing and separating humans into that group of people is bad while non lazy people are somehow in a noble category
The correct answer is:
C. Sociologists are interested in understanding broad social factors; psychologists are interested in understanding how individuals think.
Although sociology and psychology constantly intersect in many of their interests of study, there are certain fundamental differences between the two sciences.
While sociology is interested in the study of the phenomenon of social interaction in human beings, taking into account its problems, its operation, its structure, its development among other factors.
Psychology on the other hand, is interested in the study of the individual himself, taking into account their mind and behavior as main axes. Within the factors that psychology takes into account for the study of the individual's mind and behavior, it is also necessary to have into consideration aspects such as cognitive development, health, behavior and social interaction among other aspects.
An implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection. Theories of a social contract became popular in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries among theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as a means of explaining the origin of government and the obligations of subjects.
In this scenario, the two best pieces of advice for Claudia is that she should make a separate entry for each note and distinguish in her notes between paraphrases and direct quotations. By making separate notes it allows Claudia to divide topics and concentrate all her attention on a single topic/note at a time. Also when including various information it is important to make sure that you separate what is paraphrased and what are direct quotations in order to prevent plagiarism, which is a serious offense.
Base from the advice that has been given to them, it is considered to be a good advice. It is because being able to be distracted means that the person could have more time to think about their decisions. With that, it could help them to be able to come up with the decision that they think would be best for them. That is why the advice that has given to them is a good advice.