Bias is where someone gives there opinion. Like if someone said that they thought xboxes were cooler than PlayStations
the zimbobwae article is great
<h2>Fahrenheit 451 can be compared to modern day society through the censorship of individuals ideas and belief. Today, people get offended so easily that the media and/or news has to censor things that they feel will upset people. Libraries are getting closed down and books are treated with disrespect and thrown away.</h2>
The story about the Chanticleer and the fox is as old as the tale. The Chanticleer supervised the farmyard, waking everyone when the sun rises. Even thinking that he made it rose. The fox told him he admired his singing in the morning but with the intent of bringing him into the woods to be eaten so his morning singing won't bother other animals again. Fortunately, Chanticleer escaped from the fox's grip.