Client-server model is a model is a distributed application structure that partitions
tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients.
"3 to 4"
Communication can be defined as a process which typically involves the transfer of information from one person (sender) to another (recipient), through the use of semiotics, symbols and signs that are mutually understood by both parties. One of the most widely used communication channel or medium is an e-mail (electronic mail).
An e-mail is an acronym for electronic mail and it is a software application or program designed to let users send and receive texts and multimedia messages over the internet.
An email signature can be defined as a group of texts (words) that a sender adds to the end (bottom) of his or her new outgoing email message. It is considered to be a digital business card that gained wide acceptance in the 21st century. Also, an email signature is a good etiquette in all formal conversations because it provide the recipient some level of information about the sender of an email message.
Ideally, an email signature should be three to four lines and must contain informations such as name, website address, company name, phone number, logo, catch phrase or quote, social icons, etc.
Additionally, you shouldn't place an email signature at the top or anywhere else in the email except at the bottom, immediately after the closing line.
If you want fun operator, get chanka, if you want good operator, get kapkan it also depends if depends you are a stationary man who likes big guns or a mobile man who likes traps
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int responses[30],count[6];
int score = 0;
string resp = " ";
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
responses[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
while ((resp != "Y") && (resp != "y"))
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
while ((score > 5) || (score < 1))
cout << "Student " << (i+1)<< " please enter a value (1-5):";
cin >> score;
responses[i] = score;
if((score > 5)||(score<1))
if(score==1) count[1]++;
if(score==2) count[2]++;
if(score==3) count[3]++;
if(score==4) count[4]++;
if(score==5) count[5]++;
score = 0;
cout<< "Response Frequency Percentage"<<endl;;
cout<< " 1 "<<count[1]<<" "<<(count[1]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 2 "<<count[2]<<" "<<(count[2]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 3 "<<count[3]<<" "<<(count[3]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 4 "<<count[4]<<" "<<(count[4]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< " 5 "<<count[5]<<" "<<(count[5]/30)<<"%"<<endl;
cout<< "Do you want to exit? Press Y to exit any other key to continue: ";
cin>> resp;
return 0;