(3 4 3) fhjfhhjwvbjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs you need 20 characters for these things haha
" I am talking about 20-30+ millions lines of code, software at the scale and complexity of Autodesk Maya for example.
If you freeze the development as long as it needs to be, can you actually fix all the bugs until there is simply not a single bug, if such a thing could be verified by computers? What are the arguments for and against the existence of a bug-free system?
Because there is some notion that every fix you make creates more bugs, but I don't think that's true.
By bugs I meant from the simplest typos in the UI, to more serious preventative bugs that has no workaround. For example a particular scripting function calculates normal incorrectly. Also even when there are workarounds, the problem still has to be fixed. So you could say you can do this particular thing manually instead of using the provided function but that function still has to be fixed."
work cited:
Laws differ from theories because laws do not provide an explanation for how things work or could possibly work. A law describes what happens or needs to happen under certain conditions. A law can predict what will happen as long as those conditions are met. <span>For the purposes of this discussion, a "law" is a rule that has been formalised by repeated testing. It is also a generalisation. A theory, on the other hand, is an explanation for an observation that is supported by a large body of evidence. </span>
Hi there!
The correct option is C. <span>there is a spelling mistake. The red wavy line indicates that a word was spelled incorrectly, sometimes though this function does not recognize the word it can mark it as incorrect even when it is not, in which case you can right-click the marked word and add it to your computer's internal word dictionary. Right-clicking an incorrectly spelled word will also give a short list of words that are similar to the one you are trying to spell, clicking on one of the given words will automatically change the marked word to the one you chose.
-Your friend, ASIAX</span>