- They write step by step instructions for a computer to follow.
- They create a logic problem that the computer program can solve.
A workflow consists of an orchestrated and repeatable pattern of business activity enabled by the systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials, provide services, or process information.
Create a detailed outline of what you want to achieve and sketch a workflow diagram before using workflow chart software or templates. This will help to ensure your chart is accurate and complete. Always consider your process and workflow manageability when inserting logic in your workflow chart. You can use decision symbols, connectors and text boxes. Always confirm the accuracy of your workflow chart with other stakeholders.
(If you need to know what the workflow diagrams layout is just look it up. GL.)
hope this helps if not srry
See explaination
Keep two iterators, i (for nuts array) and j (for bolts array).
while(i < n and j < n) {
if nuts[i] == bolts[j] {
We have a case where sizes match, output/return
else if nuts[i] < bolts[j] {
this means that size of nut is smaller than that of bolt and we should go to the next bigger nut, i.e., i+=1
else {
this means that size of bolt is smaller than that of nut and we should go to the next bigger bolt, i.e., j+=1
Since we go to each index in both the array only once, the algorithm take O(n) time.
so so sorry I don't know
hope fully you'll get the answer