A spreadsheet program included in Microsoft Office suit of application. Spreadsheets present tables of value arranged in rows and columns that can be manipulated mathematically using both basic and advanced functions.
Explanation: The numbers in a hex are the same as decimal numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The big difference between a hex and a decimal is that a hex also contains letters. These letters are: A, B, C, D, E, F. A hex number can be represented using a subscript of 16.
I am pretty sure it's D. to teach strategy and critical thinking.
Variables provide reference to the stored data value.
For example:
int i = 0;
Here i is a variable of type int with an initial value of 0. i is a reference to this stored value 0. Now if I want to update the data, I can do so using this reference.
i = 1;
Now the reference is used to manipulate the stored data and change it to 1. In a similar manner all updates to the value can be done using the variable reference.
That's cool, I guess. What was the question?