Roosevelt was accused of Bolshevism by his opponents, and many anti-crisis methods were sharply criticized. They criticized the direction of the New Deal against business; many rightly believed that the new policy hampered the restoration of the economic system. Despite all efforts, unemployment continued to increase: if it were not for the increase in salary costs caused by the New Deal, the unemployment rate in the country as of 1940 would be lower by 8 percentage points.
Ordinary citizens were directly affected by the increase in alcohol duties and wage deductions for social security. Roosevelt further increased the tax burden by raising income tax for individuals and legal entities, excise taxes, property taxes and donated property. He introduced undistributed profit tax. All these ‘requisitions’ led to a reduction in the amount of money that entrepreneurs could spend on expanding production and creating new jobs.
Because the bill has to go through the House of representatives then get passed to the president by the bill may become vetoed making it hard for bills to become laws.
Many cases heard by the Supreme Court often concern criminal, civil, and bankruptcy cases. Many times once the case is decided it can be appealed. (Just add some for fluff to it and there you go)
The south had no justified reason to secede from the union. They were still bound to the constitution, had no legal right to secede, and broke numerous laws such as forming an illegal alliance and attacking the United States (at Ft. Sumter). The constitution was created as the basis of the United States government.
Answer: Rows of stars (4-5-4 or 3-2-3-2-3) were common, but many other variations also existed. The new Stars and Stripes formed part of the military colours carried on September 11, 1777, at the Battle of the Brandywine, perhaps its first such use. U.S. flag commonly attributed to Betsy Ross The U.S. flag commonly attributed to Betsy Ross. In the context of combinatorial mathematics, stars and bars is a graphical aid for deriving certain combinatorial theorems. It was popularized by William Feller in his classic book on probability. It can be used to solve many simple counting problems, such as how many ways there are to put n indistinguishable balls into k distinguishable bins.
Hope this helps :)