they declared their loyalty to france
After the fracture of the Roman Empire in 285 CE, this civilization was divided into two territories: The Western Roman Empire based in Milan and The Eastern Roman Empire based in Nicomedia. However, due to the fall of the Western Empire in 324, the Eastern part decided to shift its capital to Constantinople, which is nowadays known as Istanbul. This was home to the Roman emperor until the fall of the city at the hand's of the Ottoman Empire in 1453.
During the eighteenth century, Spain, France and Britain controlled land in North America. Spain controlled Florida. France was powerful in the northern and central areas. Britain controlled the east. All three nations knew they could not exist together peacefully in North America. The situation could only be settled by war.
The powerful European nations already were fighting each other for control of territory and riches all over the world. These small wars continued for more than one hundred years. They were called King William's War, Queen Anne's War, King George's War and the French and Indian War.
The French and Indian War was fought to decide whether Britain or France would be the major power in North America. France, its colonists and their Indian allies fought against Britain, its colonists and their Indian allies.
The war began with conflicts over land.
Amherst was successful. The British defeated the French. They changed the name of Fort Carillon to Fort Ticonderoga. It became an important military center in the French and Indian War. Fort Ticonderoga would also become important later, during America's war for independence.
The Battle for Quebec was the turning point in the conflict. Britain and France signed a treaty to end the war in seventeen sixty-three. The British had won. They took control of the lands that had been claimed by France.
La consecuencia más inmediata de la colonización fue una ola de enfermedades epidémicas como la viruela, el sarampión y la influenza, que se extendió más allá de la frontera y aniquiló a muchas comunidades indígenas.
Northerners in America, due to the new rulings of Henry Clay's Compromise of 1850, were required by law to abide strictly by the Fugitive Slave Law and report any runaway slaves they encountered to the proper authorities. This was especially stressing to the many abolitionists in the region.