The three domain system is wrong and will be corrected.
Carl Woes in 1977 classified the living beings into three domains: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotas based on the 16s rRNA. But now with the advancement of technologies this classification has become a topic of debate and may need revision.
As Meta-genomics was introduced sequencing of DNA has become easy and it's easier now to analyze the chromosomes of an organism. Various new viruses and bacteria have been discovered (such as mimivirus) which do not fit into the classification system (requires the addition of new domains)..
Also, three domains of life is controversial as some scientists believe that Eukaryota evolved from the merge of prokaryotes and archaea (endosymbiosis). So, metagenomics and phylogenomics are revealing the diversity of organisms which are required to be placed in a true domain.
<u>For more information you can read these papers:</u>