Carbon dioxide and water are components of air help to trap infrared energy.
The atmosphere of the planet acts in a {very} very similar thanks to a greenhouse. daylight penetrates the clear air and causes the bottom to heat.
The atmosphere then acts as a blanket, keeping the heat of the planet from escaping back to the area. This result is thanks to bound gases within the atmosphere that are superb at gripping and re-radiating the warmth energy before it's lost to the area.
These gases, referred to as "greenhouse gases", embrace greenhouse emission, water vapor, and paraffin.
The correct answer is option C and D, carbon dioxide and water
Oxygen and nitrogen do not have the ability to absorb the infrared radiation while carbon dioxide and water are able to absorb the radiations. The infrared radiations on striking carbon dioxide and water molecule transfer their heat energy to them. This heat energy causes the vibration of the carbon dioxide and water molecule . This vibration is then transferred to the other molecules of the atmosphere there by making the atmosphere hot.
The two processes are similar in that they both produce energy, albeit in two different forms. They are different in that photosynthesis assembles the glucose molecule, while cellular respiration takes it apart