The Calvin cycle requires the energy from ATP and NADPH which are produced in the light reactions
The first one. Gametes are the reproductive cells: sperm and egg cells. These contain the info that is passed on to the offspring, so an inherited mutation must be present in the gametes.
Pest control is helpful I guess...
Explanation: Pest control uses lots of chemicals and poison stuff to kill those vexing pests but most importantly it kills them its a dangerous job if you don't know what your doing.
Post-synaptic neurons after receiving correct ligands called as neurotransmitter in correct amount generates action potential. This action potential may be inhibitory or accelatory.
Postsynaptic neuron
These are the neurons that is present after the gap called synapse. These neurons after receiving correct ligands called as neurotransmitter in correct amount generates action potential. This action potential may be inhibitory or accelatory.
There are number of neurotransmitter. These includes
GABA ergic: This neurotransmitter is often inhibitory.
glutamatergic: This neurotransmitter is often excitatory.
Adrenergic: This neurotransmitter releases norepinephrine.
Cholinergic: This neurotransmitter activates vertebrate neuromuscular junction.
Bacteria. These one-cell organisms are responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis.
Viruses. Even smaller than bacteria, viruses cause a multitude of diseases ranging from the common cold to AIDS.
Fungi. Many skin diseases, such as ringworm and athlete's foot, are caused by fungi. Other types of fungi can infect your lungs or nervous system.
Parasites. Malaria is caused by a tiny parasite that is transmitted by a mosquito bite. Other parasites may be transmitted to humans from animal feces.
i write it with the explanation on when i answer it