The correct answer is C.older people, disabled people, and unemployed people .
The Social Security Act was implemented once Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president. The goal of this program was to provide financial assistance to individuals who were struggling the most during the early 1930's. This includes older people, disabled peope, and unemployed people. These categories made up a significant amount of the American population, as roughly 20% of people were unemployed when FDR took over at president. This era of difficult economic times in known in US History as the Great Depression.
FDR was hoping that this program would help Americans to recover from events like the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
6 I believe ... bc there is the King James version, the new international version, the new living Translation version, The New American Standard Bible, the new revised Standard Version, and the New Jerusalem bible
.c. those that have dealt successfully with the efficiency v. equality trade off and those that haven’t.
Mankiw believed that a country's living standard will be heavily depended on that country's ability to produce economic goods.
Countries that can manage their production efficiently, tend to be able to sold larger amount of products with relatively lower cost. This will lead to more income for the country and the people will have higher living standard because of it,
The three types of cooking methods are dry heat cooking, moist heat cooking, and combination cooking. Each of these methods uses heat to affect foods in a different way. All cooking techniques, from grilling to steaming, can be grouped under one of these three methods. Understanding and mastering the different types of cooking methods is essential to becoming a great chef or home cook. Knowledge of cooking techniques allows you to work with a variety of ingredients and kitchen equipment to achieve consistent, flavorful results in your cooking. Continue reading to learn about the three main types of cooking, all the techniques that fall under those types, and the foods that are complemented by these techniques.