Useful note taking is really good to look it over during test and to study.
Good note taking should neat so you can read, for example if your stuck on something during a quiz you can see how to do it. It wont exactly give you an answer
This question is confusing and hard to comprehend
Sampling error
This is probably due to sampling error. The sampling error has the likelihood of occuring when the statistician fails to select a sample that could be a representation of the full population. The sample results are not a true representation of the true results from the entire population.
the null hypothesis tells us that no significant difference exists between the populations chosen, and any difference can be as a result of sampling error.
Following the excerpt from the citizens United case, I think corporations and organisations should be more restricted in their campaign donations.
At this moment, money plays a huge role in politics: companies use donations to help raise attention to problems the want to be taking care of, while at the same time avoiding others that could potentially be affect there own business.
This is a huge problem because there are many issues that politics should talk about, but they are not doing it because companies that pays money prefer that those subject are not talking about, like climate change and social injustice, for example.
Money in politics, especially when it comes for companies that have their own agenda, is dangerous because it put companies interested above public interest.
The land structure, being flat or with hills. Could provide a lack or increase of defense, hills being used as a shield. Bodies of water have been used to hide out, but also provide drink to soldiers, foggy weather can make it difficult to see the enemy.