Answer: Checks and Balances System
The civil service system contributes to the well-functioning of the government, but does nothing to prevent abuses of power.
The spoils system is a practice where the winning party in an election gives civil service jobs to its supporters. This undermines the prevention of the arbitrary use of power.
The separation of powers contributes to limit the power one section of the government has, but it does not necessarily forge consensus.
<em>The checks and balances system, however, prevents the arbitrary use of power by allowing all powers to check on each other. It also fosters cooperation on divisive issues.
The therapist understands the behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior.
The therapist understanding of behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior will lead to therapeutic success because:
1. It will empower him to know what evidence-based treatments; that is, proven methods and techniques of treatments to use.
2. It will help administer behavioral counselling and guide to patients.
3. It will lead to targetted and reasonable treatment time frame.
4. It will eliminate complications that might occur during therapy.
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George Washinhton it is I think i learnt it three years ago.I mean he was the first president.