Depends on the pay. work untill you reach at least 30$ a day and you should be good if you are a starter.
A: The patricians were more powerful than the plebeians. B:slaves served only the consuls and Senate. C:the majority of the people were patricians. D:The kings often dismissed the Senate and assemblies.E:All male citizens were required to serve in the army. !
Answer: Option (c) is correct.
Average propensity to consume refers to the fraction of income that is spent on consumption. It is determined by dividing the consumption level of an individual by income.
Average propensity to consume (APC) = 
Hence, as the income of an individual increases, as a result average propensity to consume falls because the denominator part of an equation become more larger than the numerator part.
Answer: Growth hormone
Explanation: The epiphyseal plate is actually the cartilage plate at the end of every long bone, and because of this, the most important stimulus is growth hormone. This is important during infancy and childhood. Testosterone and oestrogen are hormones that determine secondary sex characteristics and body characteristics, respectively, in men and women. Thyroid hormone produced in the thyroid gland thanks to iodine. Thyroid hormone is therefore a substance which is exported to the bloodstream.