This is an entirely personal question that each student has to answer on his or her own, drawing upon those items in his or her possession. No one can do that for you. In general terms, however, what you own often tells others what kind of person you are. One’s possessions are often a reflection of one’s values and desires and interests. A home or apartment well-adorned with books usually indicates an intellectually curious individual who obviously likes to read or, at least, wants to be surrounded with visible symbols of knowledge. The photographs hanging on walls or placed upon mantles or shelves similarly tells something about who we are. A display of photographs of the homeowner with relatives and/or friends clearly indicates that the person values human relationships. Ostentatious displays of wealth can indicate affluence, or that someone hopes to put forth an image of affluence. What’s in the garage can also hint at an individual’s values. A late-model automobile the cost of which appears out of proportion to the owner’s known socioeconomic status may indicate that the owner places a higher priority on a luxurious ride or on giving the appearance of success than on other priorities, like the home itself or the education and care of whatever children may or may not reside there. An old, clearly-past-its-prime car can indicate financial scarcity or that the owner simply places little to no value on a basic mode of transportation.
From 1945 to 1951, as Allied commander of the Japanese occupation, MacArthur oversaw the successful demobilization of Japan's military forces as well as the restoration of the economy, the drafting of a new constitution and numerous other reforms
Education is one of the best ways to prevent intolerance, by revealing similarities between people and spreading a healthy respect for differences. Nor should tolerance be confused with indifference.
France and the us i’m pretty sure laul thanks for points