Sorry i didn’t understand
Although there should be choices in this question, many findings in the urinalysis can point out a serious illness as long as it is clinically correlated. The color of the urine such as tea-colored urine may be a sign of obstruction of the biliary tree such that in choledocholithases or stones in the common bile duct. The consistency of the urine such as when it is hazy may indicate infection or albuminuria. Sugars present in the urine may indicate diabetes mellitus. Increased WBC (or pus cells) and RBC in the urine may point to a urinary tract infection (pyelonephritis) or glomerulonephritis. A positive protein in the urine may indicate albuminuria characteristic of nephrotic syndrome.
Prokaryotic cells are very simple so they have:
circular chromosome
smaller than eukaryotic cells
lack nuclei
have cell walls
Radiometric dating methods
Absolute dating is the process of determining an age on a chronological or specified time scale in which events occurred in archaeology and geology. Absolute dating can be determined by using properties of the atoms that make up materials.
The most common method of absolute dating uses by geologists is radiometric dating methods which is based on the natural radioactive decay of certain elements such as potassium and carbon found in the rocks. By comparing the ratio of parent isotope with a known half-life to daughter product in the rock, the age of the rock can be determined.
The carbon-14 isotope is used in radiocarbon dating, but is only useful for measuring recently formed rocks in the geologic past. The decay of Potassium-40 isotope known as potassium-argon (K-Ar) method allows dating of materials that up to 1,000 billion years old.