T and B cells.
Adaptive immunity is the kind of immunity that you acquire after exposure to an antigen (pathogen or vaccine), it involves memory in order to facilitate a quick response if there's a reinfection with the same pathogen.<em> T cells are responsible for the cell-mediated response while the B cells are responsible for the humoral response.</em> Both of these cells are specific to the pathogen's structure, therefore they can kill it directly.
I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!
D. The system provided an organized way to classify living things and it has been able to grow and develop. There is a place to enter new organisms as they are discovered or new evidence occurs
Carolus Linnaeus is a Swedish Botanist is universally referred to as the FATHER OF TAXONOMY because of his contribution to the development of a system of naming and classifying species, which is still globally recognized today. Linnaeus proposed the binomial nomenclature system which uses two of the hierarchical classification to name organisms i.e. genus and species. For example, humans are Homo sapiens; Homo (generic name), Sapien (specific name).
Modern scientists later modified Linnaeus classification by adding new ranks in order to accommodate new species and removing incorrectly classified organisms but Linnaeus classification remains the foundation. One important modification was the inclusion of a new taxon called DOMAIN.
It's the Immune system!
good luck
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The three genes in coupling are in repulsion.
Coupling happens when the dominant alleles and the recessive alleles are on the same homologous chromosome, while the repulsion happens when one chromosome has one dominant allele and one recessive allele and another homologous chromosome also has dominant and recessive alleles.
If the progeny has:
nb+ ls+ a/nb ls a ⇒ nb+ ls+ a
nb ls a+/nb ls a ⇒ nb ls a+
Where nb+ ls+ a is the dominant alleles and nb and nb+ is in middle.
ls+ nb+ are on the same chromosome (both dominant)
ls nb are on the same chromosome (both recessive)
ls nb, these two are in coupling with each other, but ls+ and a are on the chromosome and ls+ or nb+ are dominant, while nb+ and a are recessive on form a, thus, ls and nb, they are in repulsion with a.