negative points are the people at the bottom don't realize how they are being controlled and that they are at the bottom of the barrel but everything just is surrounded by money. that's all they care about is power and money
this is a guess I don't know what you learning about but this is what I would've put.
C or D but im leaning towards C
- By replacing the word dark with unlight or by simply placing an “un’ before a word would cause it to be negative. On the other hand, if the prefix is “plus” then it’s positive.
- Part of speech isn’t specific; therefore making any word become a part of speech.
hope this helps :)
The sentence I would choose is: "He was looking down at his outstretched hands as he talked". To me, it implies that he cannot look into the eyes of the person he is speaking to, as if he doesn't feel he is worthy.