The author talks about how every single one of us is weird, and uses Benjamin Franklin as an example. ... Franklin was considered weird, one reason is because, he would take air baths (naked) while writing essays. This reveals that the most gifted people are often strange or unique in ways you wouldn’t think
The correct answer to this question would be is a compound sentence. A compound sentence is when there are two parts of a sentence that can work alone as complete sentences, but which are combined into one sentence with the use of a conjunction (and, but, etc.). In this case, "I watched the movie" and "I didn't like it" can stand on their own as separate sentences. However, they are put together into one sentence by the word "but," a conjunction, which classifies this sentence as compound. I hope this helps you!
Because he has the fine line of informing his opinion along with his statement. He project vomits all of his information which gets people to listen to him. Figurative language helps him speak for the professional side of speaking out about civil rights for African-Americans.
Cyberbullying, Fear of missing out, its addicting , and self image issues