settled a debate over representation in Congress.
Rather than expecting her to initiate any self-disclosure, it might be helpful to ask her to consider sharing at least one reaction she experienced while listening to another member speak.
Sarah is very communicative, this is usually a good trait, but in Sarah's case this trait has become annoying and inconvenient as Sarah does not allow any member of the group she participates to speak and expound on her ideas. To help Sarah, a therapist may ask Sarah to try to let someone else talk and then tell her how she felt when she heard a colleague's opinion. With this, The therapist encourages Sarah to listen and talk a little less.
Historians were more interested in the artifacts found in the tomb.
The mummified body of Tutankhamun, one of the most important pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, was discovered on October 28, 1925, after almost 3 years of exploration. Upon opening the sarcophagus, historians found the grave goods with which the pharaoh was buried: these were riches of enormous historical value, since they gave an account of numerous valuable data regarding the life of the pharaohs in ancient Egypt. This, added to the lack of medical knowledge on the part of historians, meant that the cause of his death was not properly recorded at the time.