There are four groups of macromolecules. Carbohydrate, Protein, Nucleic acid, and Lipids. Each macromolecule is essential for the growth and formation of cells. Carbohydrates are used for energy and help build the structure of the cell wall. Proteins help build and regulate muscle and tissue. Nucleic acid transfers
and stores information. Lastly Lipids insulate your body and help produce hormones.
Be outcasted.
It might be outcasted because zebras find other zebras by their stripes. If one doesn't have black stripes the zebras wouldn't be able to identify it. (I think)
I think none of the men are the father, they don’t match the child’s results.
a) the cardiovascular condition is sabacute endocarditis
b) It is caused by a type of streptococcus called streptococcus viridians and transmitted through the opening of the wound
c) rheumatic fever can lead to damage to the heart and this damage allows bacteria to attach itself to the heart. Streptococcus viridians are often caused by bacteria hence there growth can be favorite by rheumatic fever.
d) the nails is used to check the blood stream, and should be check for capillary heamorrhage
e) He would order for BAP- Bacteria Agar plate that is used mostly to classic streptococcal bacteria.