According to natural law moral theory, the moral standards that govern human behavior are, in some sense, objectively derived from the nature of human beings and the nature of the world. While being logically independent of natural law legal theory, the two theories intersect.
An example of this analogy might be that the surrounding the central dogma which is compared to making yout mum's recipe for brownies.
First, you ought to call your mum, she stands for the DNA. Then, you pay attention in listening and copying down her instructions. This is can be compared to transcription because during transcription, DNA is copied to mRNA.
Any mistake you do during listening and copying leads to mutation caused by insertion or omission.
Advantageous outcomes of these genetic modifications include increased food production, reliability, and yields; enhanced taste and nutritional value; and decreased losses due to various biotic and abiotic stresses, such as fungal and bacterial pathogens.
Spanish:Los resultados ventajosos de estas modificaciones genéticas incluyen una mayor producción, fiabilidad y rendimiento de alimentos; mayor sabor y valor nutricional; y disminución de las pérdidas debido a diversos estreses bióticos y abióticos, como patógenos fúngicos y bacterianos.
It is a hormone that increases appetite