The freshest is stored in the form of vapor
Selective pressure: The bacteria become susceptible to the drug and can withstand it.
The food bolus will then get digested in the stomach.
Specifically, only protein is chemically digested into short polypeptides under the enzyme pepsin. The gastric juice that contains pepsin is produced by the gastric glands. The stomach is very acidic. It has a pH value of around 2. This is because it has to make sure that only pepsin is functional and so as because hydrochloric acid is present.
Polypeptides are not yet the final form of protein, amino acids are. But the process of breaking down polypeptides into amino acid is yet to be done at this stage, so as the other digestion of e.g. carbohydrates or fat. They'll mostly be done in the duodenum, which is the next stage after the stomach.
Although water is a renewable resource, the amount of fresh water available is limited. Most of the Earth's water is frozen and unavailable for human use.
severe diarrhoeal diseases are among the leading causes of mortality in infants and young children in many developing countries like Nigeria and other Africa countries. In most cases, death is caused by dehydration.
During this diarrhoea there is an increased loss of water and electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium, and bicarbonate) in the liquid stool. Water and electrolytes are also lost through vomit, sweat, urine and breathing. Dehydration occurs when these losses are not replaced adequately and a deficit of water and electrolytes develops
If the body loses a substantial amount of fluids and salts and they are not quickly replaced; for example: by drinking, the body starts to "dry up" or get dehydrated. Severe dehydration could cause death.