In synthetic division, you start by bringing down the first 1 in the box. Multiply that by the 1 outside the box and get a 1. Put that new 1 under the 2 inside the box and add to get 3. Multiply the outside the box by that 3 to get 3 and put that new 3 under the -3 in the box and add to get 0. Multiply that 0 by the 1 outside the box to get 0. Put that 0 under the 2 and add to get the remainder of 2. Your answer is 2, C.
put it into an equation..
sum is addition and product is multiplication
No , because it doesn’t have a pattern . For example put the numbers in a chart 1+3 = 4 , -1+3 =2 , 3+7=10 , 5+11=16 , there’s no pattern
Elaine's piece is bigger because when you look at the tenths place, you can see that 1 is bigger than 0.
Yes, because 1/4 plus 1/4 equals 2/4 (or 1/2) and 3/4-2/4 equals 1/4.