I. Description
Date (if different than dispatch date).
Time in 24 hour clock time (time that fire investigation unit arrives on scene).
Address (corrected when applicable).
Fire out or still in progress.
Describe physical characteristics of what burned (structure, vehicle identification. wildland). Give dimensions when possible and detailed descriptions.
Describe main streets and access to building or property.
Describe weather/lightning conditions when applicable.
Identify who requested the response (Incident Command, Police Department, citizen, etc.). Give assignment/unit if known.
Identify who was dispatched (investigator name and serial number).
II. Observations
Describe patterns/factors that substantiate area/point of origin.
Localize area/point of origin by using references within structure, vehicle, or wildland.
Describe what actually burned (focusing on an area/point of origin)
Describe unique factors that may exist (trailers, devices, multiple fires, etc.)
Establish fire cause.
Substantiate accidental fire cause by what existed at area/point of origin.
Describe problem(s) that may have contributed to the fire.
Establish condition of utilities.
Eliminate multiple accidental causes, focusing on a single cause when possible.
Establish incendiary cause through physical evidence at scene. (The decision of incendiary cause should be based solely on investigator observations and physical evidence.)
Describe in detail, patterns/factors in establishing your incendiary cause.
Substantiate multiple fires as being separate and distinct from one another.
Establish a negative corpus delicti through methodical elimination of all accidental, natural, and mechanical causes.
Additional Factors to Consider
Establish security of premises and type of alarm (contact, motion, supervised, etc.).
Alarm company information (phone, address).
Status of alarm system at time of fire.
Ascertain if safety devices were present (smoke detectors, security bars, sprinklers, etc.)
List the existence of evidence observed that would tend to substantiate patterns of unique charring.
If multiple fires, describe each fire in detail.
Attempt to reference single/multiple fire(s) using points of reference within a structure, vehicle, or wildland area.
Establish if structure was locked/unlocked.
Determine point of entry (and if forcible entry was used).
Describe conditions (construction type, weather, etc.) that may have contributed to the fire.
Determine if any additional crimes were involved.