He was the founder of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the short-lived Lone Scouts of America (LSA). Born in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, he acquired a love for the outdoors early in his life.
english ver: She encouraged active religious lives for women. She created a new way to properly educate priests. She developed a plan to divide the church into dioceses. She helped organize the church hierarchy.
korean ver:
그녀는 여성을위한 활동적인 종교 생활을 장려했습니다. 그녀는 사제를 올바르게 교육하는 새로운 방법을 만들었습니다. 그녀는 교회를 교구로 나누는 계획을 세웠습니다. 그녀는 교회 계층 구조를 구성하는 것을 도왔습니다.
All the Spanish Colonies in America and the Philippines were required to pay taxes for two reasons. ... As recognition of Spain's Sovereignty over the Colonies. 2. To defray the expenses of pacification (The act of forcibly suppressing hostility within the colonies) and governance, thereafter.
The social factors that helped bring about the reformation were; 1. The renaissance values of Humanism and secularism led people to question the church. 2. The printing press helped to spread ideas critical of the Church. The political factors that helped bring about the reformation were; 1. Powerful monarchs challenged the Church as the supreme power in Europe. 2. Many leaders viewed the pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority. The Economic factors that helped bring about the reformation were; 1. European princes and kings were jealous of the Church's wealth. 2. Merchants and other resented having to pay taxes to the Church.