British Raj
They arrived in the 1600s and struggled. They formed a good army and later ruled India I believe they ruled most of India?
Quite, they brought unknowingly the diseases that killed most of them.
The correct answer is B.
Clinton v. New York was a decision enacted by the US Supreme Court in 1998, which stated that the line-item veto violated the Presentment Clause and, therefore, the US Constitution.
The line-item veto had been introduced by the Line Item Veto Act in 1996 and it allowed the chief of the executive power, the President, to veto fragments or provisions of a bill without vetoing the entire bill. In opposition, the Presentment Clause describes the procedure through which bills originating in Congress, become federal US law. Such procedures only contemplate the president's power or rejecting an entire bill.
The Theme is sense of patriotism, Mark Antony is rest in a
difficult position, since he is aware of the fact that the crowd is with the
conspirators and he cannot show his dislike towards the betrayers because of
his friendship with Caesar and throughout the speech, manages to sway the crowd
against the conspirators through his rhetorical irony and strong emotion.
Republic, Capitalism, Democracy