Simplify just means put together everything into one big thing. In this case that is just adding. To add a fraction and a decimal we have to convert the fraction into a decimal as well. The decimal form of 1/4 is 0.25, and as such, 3/4 is .75. This means we have -0.75+1.5. Adding a positive to a negative is the same thing as simply subtracting the first number from the second, or 1.5-0.75. This is .75. The answer is C.
Step-by-step explanation:
If the square was split into 3 rectangles the 3 rectangles sum up to the square.
For this problem, I'd use cross-multiplication.
9/12 = x/8.
When cross multiplying, multiply 12*x and 9*8. This leads to a new equation:
12x = 72.
Then you solve as an algebra problem.
*Divide 12 on both sides*
x = 6.
(amount raised) = $2 × (number of classmates)