an observable fact or event. 2 plural phenomena. a : an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition. b : a temporal or spatiotemporal object of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon.
The phenotypes are as follows
Purple, full- 9
Purple, constricted- 3
White, full- 3
White, constricted- 1
Genotype of parents are PpFf, each produce the following gametes: PF, Pf, pF and pf.
This is a dihybrid cross involving two distinct genes. One coding for flower color and the other for pod shape. The allele for purple color (P) is dominant over the allele for white color (p) while the allele for full pod (F) is dominant over the allele for constricted pod (f).
In a cross between two heterozygote parents i.e. PpFf × PpFf, each parent will produce the following gametes: PF, Pf, pF and pf. Using these gametes in a punnet square (see attached image) the following 16 offsprings will be produced in a phenotypic ratio: 9:3:3:1
Purple color, full pod- 9
Purple color, constricted pod- 3
White flower, full pod- 3
White flower, constricted pod- 1
what about the phylogenetic tree?
Most hormone feed back is a negative feed back mechansm, A feed back mechanism is a form of a signal mechanism loop where product feed back to control its own production.
For example pancreas is an important gland in an endocrine system which relies on negative feed back to regulate blood glucose level in the body to keep it within the required healthy range.