The Namib and Kalahari are the two deserts in Southern Africa.
Another way is life to say god blessed you
Active: Those citizens who were entitled to vote were termed as active citizens. Only men above 25 years of age who paid taxes were entitled to vote and considered as active citizens. Active citizens were required to be literate, speak French and have been resident for more than one year. Active citizens were required to pay taxes equal to about three days work a year.
Passive: Women, children, and other people were considered as passive citizens. Women, children, and other people were not entitled to vote. Passive citizens had no property rights.
C) develope the atomic bomb... that ended up being used on Japan
Answer: The colonists believed they should have a say in running the government if they are being taxed.
The British Parliament had passed two major acts that gave rise to this slogan. The Quartering act, which allowed British soldiers to crash in on any house for room and board without paying, and the Sugar act of 1764, which taxed their sugar.
Hope this helps!