The correct answer is true.
Foods that underwent the irradiating process, should be labeled "treated by irradiation". Irradiation or Radiation process does not make the food radioactive or poisonous, the radiant light, passes through the food, wherein it eradicates and removes certain bacterias and may also help in food preservation.
The Lock-and-key mechanism was first proposed by Emil Fischer which described as the enzymatic reactions whereby an enzyme with a single substrate binds temporarily to form a substrate complex.
The lock-and-key mechanism is usually associated with the complementary shapes of an enzyme with a single substrate, wherein the lock that is being referred to is the enzyme and the substrate is the key. One right sized substrate (key) fits into the active site (key hole) of the enzyme (lock).
The active site which is mentioned above is structurally complementary to the substrate. This is the temporary binding site on the enzymes. Just like a lock and key, the enzyme as the lock and the substrate as the key is said to fit together.
The correct answer is case-control study.
In a case-control study, two groups of the population are used, in which one group is kept as control, and the other is known as the experimental group that encounters with a specific disease or an outcome. With the help of this study, one can expose the groups to various or single outcomes.
In the given case, a study is done in which an advertisement on a ban on smoking is encouraged by the non-smokers at the alcohol sale points but not by smokers, in the process a random digit dialing method was used. This random digit dialing method is an illustration of a case-control study, in which the survey of the individuals is done regarding the ban on smoking.
The Sun's rays warm our world, stir air and ocean currents, and catalyze chemical reactions in the atmosphere. The Sun-warmed surface evaporates water to form rain clouds that redistribute fresh water around the world. And sunlight is essential for most life forms that live at Earth's surface.