Organisms respond to a signal called a stimulus.
La división celular es una parte muy importante del ciclo celular en la que una célula inicial se divide para formar células hijas.1Debido a la división celular se produce el crecimiento de los seres vivos. En los organismos pluricelulares este crecimiento se produce gracias al desarrollo de los tejidos y en los seres unicelulares mediante la reproducción asexual.
Los seres pluricelulares reemplazan su dotación celular gracias a la división celular y suele estar asociada con la diferenciación celular. En algunos animales la división celular se detiene en algún momento y las células acaban envejeciendo. Las células senescentes se deterioran y mueren debido al envejecimiento del cuerpo. Las células dejan de dividirse porque los telómeros se vuelven cada vez más cortos en cada división y no pueden proteger a los cromosomas como tal.
Las células hijas de las divisiones celulares, en el desarrollo temprano embrionario, contribuyen de forma desigual a la generación de los tejidos adultos.
a. S represents allele for short hair while s represents allele for long hair.
b. Ss (male) × ss (female)
c. 50% Ss, 50% ss
d. 3 long hair (ss), 3 short hair (Ss)
This question involves a single gene coding for hair length in guinea pigs. The allele for short hair (S) is dominant over the allele for long hair (s).
a. Letter "S" will represent the allele for short hair while letter "s" will represent the allele for long hair.
b. According to this question, a heterozygous male is crossed with a long-haired female. The genotype of the male guinea pig is "Ss" while that of the female is "ss". (see attachment for the punnet square)
c. The possible genotypes of the offsprings in this cross are: Ss and ss, each carrying 50% each as they are produced in a ½ Ss: ½ ss.
d. Since 50% of the offsprings will be both short haired and long haired, If they have six babies, 3 of them will be short-haired while 3 of them will also be long-haired.
Carrying capacity, in biology, is the mps (maximum population size) of the species that the environment is able to take care of. The environment should be able to give food, habitat, and water, and other necessities needed for the certain animal species. If there are to many of the species, the environment may not be able to care for all animals, due to the fact that there will not be enough resources for all of the animals.
Hope this helps, have an awesome day/night! :)
Cancer causes tumors to grow. A cell that has become cancerous will multiply rapidly and create a tumor.