You ask questions here. Not ask for stuff that you can search up on Google or something similar to it.
no no no and no.
Answer: In transport economics, the value of time is the opportunity cost of the time that a traveler spends on his/her journey. In essence, this makes it the amount that a traveler would be willing to pay in order to save time, or the amount they would accept as compensation for lost time.
self deprecating modest about or critical of oneself, especially humorously so
There are many factors that could hamper an effective communication. Some of those could be: social status (if you are talking to someone who has a more important status than yourself, it may happen that they are not interested in a communication with you), use of language (if you use inappropriate words, the conversation is not going to be successful), knowledge about the subject (if you don't know what you are talking about, the conversation is likely not going to continue), atmosphere/noise, cultural differences, disabilities, etc.