Aqua miente: la vida en plástico no es tan fantástica
Antonio Reyna Pérez
A pesar de lo normal que nos parece estar rodeados de plásticos, estos materiales
comenzaron a producirse en gran escala en la década de 1950 y en la actualidad
los encontramos en todos lados, hay desde materiales para la construcción hasta
equipo médico. También están presentes en los océanos, en los polos,
probablemente en nuestros pulmones, dentro de cadáveres de animales e incluso
en las bebidas y comida que ingerimos.
A. Industrial Revolution was most significant in prompting the development of socialism
Socialism is regarded as the doctrine of sociological and political aspects for both public and private ownership that controls natural resources and property. Based on the view of the socialist individuals should not work under isolation.
Further, everything that is produced by individuals is regarded as a social product, and each one who contributes towards socialism has a social share. Therefore it is the responsibility of the society in general have control of properties o benefit all its members.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in its fifth edition (or DSM 5).
This a manual created and published by the American Psychiatry Association, which is used by most of today's psychologists for diagnostic related inquiries on mental health disorders.
Last updated, DSM 5, was published in 2013, and it is still consider as useful when seeking for statistic information.
1)fraud or hacking. 2)rongrap
What are the 3 basic questions that every economic system must answer? What to produce? How to produce? Whom to produce it for?
we learned this in 8th grade