<span>a person on a low-fiber diet is at increased risk for experiencing elevated rectal vein pressure leading to formation of hemorroids.
Elevated vein pressure can cause hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid is made of enlarged veins. It's like a varicose vein but in the rectal.</span>
This is really a subjective answer. If given the choice to either give the lung to a six-year old lung cancer patient or the heavy smoker, I would choose the six-year old.
If I had to choose between car crash victim on a lung machine or the heavy smoker, I would choose the car crash victim.
If I had to choose between this heavy smoker and a young smoker that developed lung cancer, I would choose the young smoker and hope that he/she would change his/her habits and quit.
I bet you're starting to see the point I'm making. Hope this helps!
Answer – Three Trimesters
The development a fetus occurs over three trimesters of pregnancy. The nine months gestational period in humans is divided into three stages of equal length; the first three months form the first trimester, the fourth to sixth months form the second trimester, and the seventh to ninth month form the third trimester.