There's a lot of methods that could be used.
Some of the best methods to use for cardboard boxes is to use them a packing box or even a school project. It more than likely costs less money so you can save up. Next time if you have a project or even if your moving, Possibly go to the closest store there is and see if they have any boxes.
Sign language. It uses only signs made with your hands. You do not have to hear to understand it.
A religion
Many times a saintanist will do death ritual for their religion.
I think one of my biggest fear is being forgotten. I know it will eventually happen but the idea of dying and the world (world as in my family and friends) will just mourn me for a couple of weeks and then move and eventually a whole new generation starts is scary. I don’t think I plan on ever making an impact on the world but the fact that someone will pass by my gravestone and I’ll just be another random name with a time of birth and death is sad and makes me feel uneasy.