When you ingest a huge amount of sugar. is your bodys response an example of positive or negative feedback explain you reasoning.
When you ingest large amounts of sugar, your body produces a large amount of insulin to compensate, this can lead to an overabundance of insulin, and as a result you may feel a further craving for sugar. This could be considered negative feedback.
health- related fitness
A healthly person is a wealthly person
most domestic abusers will start being nice later on they start dropping hints (showing they're true self) and then after that they start the abuse, and it gets worst later on
By he NIH trying a new drug to help reduce pain associated with sickle-cell anemia, it's an example of an "experiment".
An experiment involves a hypothesis (an educated guess as to what's going to happen) and trying out the hypothesis and finding the solution.
The anxiety levels will start to grow for them when they get much older