Well it basically means you:can write or type or whatever yoir doing either 6 sentences or you can do 8 sentences. you do you
“About Mars” is the Adjective Phrase.
Adjective phrase describes “what kind of which ones”
So for example here
“After school, I looked for books about Mars.”
“About Mars” describes the kind of books so that makes it an Adjective phrase.
I hope this helps.
I plan to prove that college athletes should be paid to play. This matters because many people going into college play sports and they give up much of their time to do so. The athletes at a college are almost always the first students to arrive and the last to leave the campus. They arrive early to begin training and stay late because of big games. They should be paid because they give up a lot of their time to be at the practices. Some teams practice during class times which can mess up an athlete's academic schedule, others practice late at night when an athlete would want to be doing their homework or hanging out with friends. They should be paid because each win they have they give the college popularity and even perhaps money.
Counter claim: Athletes do not need to be paid because they got a scholarship to come which helps pay for their schooling already.
well, you dismember them take them down in their solo's. kill them all use their intestine as a food source and use their bones as tree taps. use any wood to create a fire at the closest open area. when you get found lead your founder to the bodies as it will inhumane to leave them there and tell them everything but leave out the part about you eating them. say a wild animal attacked or something then go home.