After many pleads before, Columbus finally got permission from King Ferdinand of SPAIN to explore as long as he would bring back what he had found (mainly just treasure)
Human autonomy is the key concept of Enlightenment ideas. This passage relates to those ideas because Napoleon is refering to the importance of reason over beliefs. When he says "the souls of men proceed along different roads" he is also claiming that any religion is valid to feel close to the creator. In a sense Napoleon makes reference to secularization (the idea of religion and politics should be separated and that one's method of worship should be a private matter). That is why he claims that he could be Catholic, Muslim, or Jew.
Texas data for 1850 appeared on pages 308-319 in Statistical View of the United States … Being a Compendium of the Seventh Census, which was compiled by James D. B.
She asks him to take her across the river on her raft