Ruomei's new liking for biology has been conditioned.
She was 'conditioned,' aka learned to love biology because of the guy she has a crush on. Previously, she wasn't interested in biology, but when she started liking this guy, she somehow connected her attraction to him to her growing love for biology. Thus, the guy was her stimulus to become conditioned to love biology.
The farming plantation in the southern colonies flourished
due to its geography and its climate. The land in the southern colonies is
considered to be of fertile soil. They also contain hilly coastal plains, rich
forests, extensive rivers, and swampy areas which is good for producing crops.
The climate is another factor; with its soft winters and humid summers, crops
tend to grow right away. The tidewater near the coastal plains also brings in
minerals which is good for the crops. The growing seasons in the southern
colonies are also much longer compared to other places, so it becomes a place
ideal for farming.
The answer in the item above is: B. Robberies are considered to be either professional or amateur. Professional robberies are well thought planned and has been consistently making money or earning a living as a robber. The amateur robberies are those who are not really earning it as a living and are not consistent in committing the crime. Usually, they would go for banks.
Answer: Option (C)
Sedition is referred to as or known as the overt conduct, i.e. organization and speech, that is inclined toward the insurrection against already established orders. It often tends to includes the subversion of the constitution and also incitement of the discontent in regards, or the resistance against the established authority.